WordPress Tutorials

WordPress How To tutorial section

Blocking Google AdSense ads

get firefoxThere are times you might want to block Google AdSense text and image advertisements from showing up in ...

Adsense WordPress Shortcode

Adsense WordPress Shortcode: In the following simple solution, I will show you how to create a WordPress ...

WordPress Appearance Editor Missing

Appearance EditorWordPress Appearance Editor Missing. The Menu Option to edit theme files from the WordPress back end was gone... Here is How I Fixed It! ...

Disable WordPress Autosave

In the following simple solution, I cover how to Disable WordPress autosave function. Some people, myself ...

Embed PDF in WordPress

embedding a pdf file into wordpressEmbed PDF in WordPress: In the following simple solution, I'll show you how to easily embed PDF files ...

WordPress 2.1 released

WordPress 2.1 (codename "Ella") has just been released from WordPress.org, providing many key ...

WordPress broken by Plugin

At some point in time, nearly every WordPress Blogger will experience a broken WordPress blog due to the ...