Automatically Update Copyright Date - PHP

In the following simple solution, I show you how to use a little php code snippet to automatically update your WordPress Copyright Date every year (appending the new date automatically). The process is super simple, but I figured that there may be others out there looking to accomplish the same goal and thought it would be nice to post an example.

Automatically Update your Copyright Date

  1. Login to your WordPress Admin Panel
  2. Navigate to Appearance > Editor
  3. From the Theme Files section, select your Footer Template (footer.php)
  4. Add the following code somewhere within your footer.php file (editing 200x to reflect the date your began to write content on your site):

    ©200x-<?php echo date("Y"); ?> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?>

  5. Click the Update File button and go view your site

If all goes well, the code will append the current year and the blog name to the existing copyright information. For example on this site the copyright  information might appear as: ©2005-2017